Monday, March 7, 2011

Tasklist for Iteraion 2 / 3 Update 2.0

Tasklist for Iteraion 2 / 3

Tasklist for Iteration 2 / 3

Collect the Virtual Machines - Working

Make Summery of Iteration 2 - Done

Update Tasklist - Done

Update requirements duo to backgrount story - Done

Decide on background story - Done

Install Firewall - Done

Configure Port forwarding - Working

Deside in secureity Level

Install Proxyserver - Done

Configure Proxy Filter - Working

Configure Network inc Privat network and NAT

Install Database Server - Done

Install phpMyadmin and Creat database - Done

Install and configure Webserver - Done

Creat Website - Done

Test network from inside and outside


  1. What is the difference between "working" and "done"?

  2. Do to the Task list on the blog and the task list in School the task shoud be simelar

  3. More defined - Working stands for Testing, Done stands for Achieved and statement without mark of Working or Done stands for Ideas according to the task board in school.
